Revolutionizing Construction Project Coordination with Baukor

Baukor serves as the central hub for coordinating entire construction projects

Baukor serves as the central hub for coordinating entire construction projects
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Design process

When creating the design, secondary research was conducted to analyze the company's field, target audience and competitors. As a result, a product was produced that satisfied all the client's pain points and met all standards of quality work.

A section has been added with a description of the main advantages at different stages of work, with the possibility to select the part of interest and get the necessary information about the processes there.

In order to promote greater user trust in the company, an "about us" section has been added

Baukor serves as the central hub for coordinating entire construction projects, fostering collaboration and real-time information sharing among all project stakeholders, from designers to construction managers.


The option is easy to choose

All the necessary information for an informed choice was transparently provided on the pages with functionality and prices. The information was presented briefly and clearly in order not to overload users and facilitate the selection process, encouraging them to choose the company's services.

Flexible design

High-quality design does not do without work on the adaptation of the site for different devices. On mobile devices, all sections are displayed in the best possible way to keep users' attention on the important parts.

Another side of work

Another part was creating useful and user-friendly dashboards to manage workflows.The ability to filter data has been added for faster interaction with a large amount of information, as well as a calendar that helps you not miss anything planned and meet all deadlines.

Light and dark side

Both light and dark modes were created for better work in different parts of the day and simply for customers to enjoy more the ability to customize the system to their personal preferences.

The main work area is a board with the progress of work tasks, where everything is divided into: Open, Pending, Done.


The spreadsheet is another helpful tool for creating and tracking work assignments. Which shows date, status, type of task, its priority and assignee. It allows easy management according to the user's needs.

Ready to start your next project?

Let's embark on this journey together, crafting remarkable solutions tailored to your needs. Reach out to us today to get started!

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