Maximize the benefits of therapy sessions — Notes for Therapy

The best way to get the most out of therapy

The best way to get the most out of therapy
Web development
Mobile development
Health and fitness
Visit website
Result 1
Enhanced User Engagement
Result 2
Valuable Data Insights

Project Overview

Notes for Therapy (NFT) is an innovative app designed to maximize the benefits of therapy sessions by combining journaling, symptom tracking, and homework organization. Created by a therapist with firsthand experience as both a provider and recipient of therapy, the app aims to help users feel more prepared for therapy sessions and gain valuable insights from their therapeutic journey.

Initial Concept

The concept for NFT was born from the personal experiences of a therapist who recognized the need for a better way to organize thoughts and track progress in therapy.Extensive research was conducted to understand the needs of therapy clients and therapists.‍

React Native

Notes and Symptom Tracking

Individual Therapy Notes: The main interface allows users to create new notes for each therapy session. Each note includes the date and time of the session.

Note Organization: Users can view a list of their past notes, sorted by date. Each note entry provides a brief preview of its contents.

Search Functionality: A search bar is available to help users quickly find specific notes or sessions.

Goal Management

Users can set new goals by entering a description in the provided text field and clicking the "Add" button.


NFT has become a valuable companion for users seeking to optimize their therapy experience.

We understood the challenges of traditional therapy and designed a solution to bridge the gap.
We built a user-friendly app that leverages technology to enhance mental health care.
NFT empowers users to actively participate in their therapy journey, leading to potentially better outcomes.

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