Creation of a business management system — BravoCRM

System for business management

System for business management
Mobile Development
UI/UX Design
Visit website
Result 1
Increase in app downloads
Result 2
Growth in Monthly Users

About the project

The task was to create a system for business management, with the help of which it is possible to control all stages of jewelry production.

To create an effective and at the same time easy-to-use system, an important stage of field analysis and research was first conducted. This important part of the work had an incredible impact on further work and the final result.


After logging into the system, the user is greeted by the "workflow" page, where there is a table with orders, and at the bottom a menu with navigation to the following items: "chats", "billing",  "settings", "new task".

On the workflow page, the columns can be scrolled, but the headers stay in place, which is a great solution for mobile devices where the workspace is limited.


On the chats page, the most recent messages are placed at the top. Also on this page there are notifications with information that will facilitate easier order management.

React Native


On the chat page there are tabs: "Unpaid Invoices", "Invoice History", "Payment History".This allows the user to keep the necessary information related to accounts and payment at hand and view the history as needed.


Settings are an integral part of user-friendly systems. Here there is an opportunity to manage personal information and passwords and even add a photo to the profile, which increases trust in the interaction between masters and clients.

New Order

First of all, the user must choose the type of service that suits him. Creation of jewelry from scratch - from design to production, as well as repair of existing products is present here.

Inside the block there is the possibility of scrolling and selecting several elements at the same time.

After choosing the type of service, the user proceeds to fill in all the necessary information about the order until it becomes possible to view the details of the project.

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